Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Nanny jobs may sound easy but there are certain characteristics that are ideal of a babysitter. If you are interested to have that babysitting job better have a run through of the following characteristics.

ARE YOU DEPENDABLE? Babysitting has a lot of responsibilities. It is a must that your employers could really leave with the task.

* DO YOU HAVE THE PATIENCE? You would be dealing with kids so don’t expect them to do everything you ask them. Be prepared to deal with their tantrums.

* CAN YOU ADAPT EASILY? You would be actually invading another family’s house. Be sure to comply with their rules so that you wouldn’t be kicked out!

* ARE YOU MATURED ENOUGH? You would be responsible for the kids, show authority and discipline so that they will have no reason to disrespect you.

* DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH KNOWLEDGE? Babysitting requires skills and experience to handle the job. You should know the basic skills in taking care of a child.

* ARE YOU PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY FIT? Would you be able to withstand the challenges of caring for a child? It is also essential to know so that you would not transmit any form of disease to your ward.

* DO YOU HAVE THE LOVE FOR KIDS? Admit it a job is easily done if you have the heart for it. Everything else would follow if you have the innate fondness for children.

Now that you know the top qualities of a babysitter, evaluate yourself if you are really the right one for the job.

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